Friday, November 19, 2010

Celebrate Your Wedding with Three Words

Every once in a while, I come across a "feel good" moment on TV.....times when I think that television, a much criticized part of American culture, is a really terrific tool that connects people. Several months ago, I stumbled upon a feature on the weekend edition of Good Morning America that I really loved. "Your Three Words" is an invitation to viewers to submit home videos (usually less than a minute in length) that use signs with three words, expressing anything they wish. Sometimes the clips are happy ones ("My First Snow" -- with a darling baby in a bunny outfit, situated in the snow) and other times they are profoundly emotional ("Mom finished Chemo" or "Dad came Home" [from the War]). Each week, it is a bouquet of messages from regular people.

I tried one of these video clips with a wonderful couple, following their wedding ceremony. Anne-Marie and Warren were lovable people from Belfast, Northern Ireland. I was so pleased to officiate their wedding in the Conservatory Garden in Central Park. They were joined in New York by a handful of their loved ones. Please enjoy "Their Three Words"! Congratulations to Anne-Marie and Warren!